
Chinese Big Ethylene Cracker Projects Under Ground Brake, Commission and Resumed Construction Stages

09th May 2020

1. ExxonMobil begins Huizhou petrochemical complex development in China


Image Source: ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil, a multinational oil and gas corporation has initiated the development of a petrochemical complex in China with an estimated investment of USD 10 billion. The complex is estimated to produce 1.6 million tonnes of ethylene annually once operations commence. It is one of the few petrochemical projects in China owned entirely by a foreign entity (ExxonMobil is a US-based entity).


2. Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co. Ltd. commissioned Zhoushan ethylene plant

Zhejiang Petroleum Zhoushan ethylene plant

Image Source: TechnipFMC plc

Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co. Ltd. (ZPC) has completed the startup of a 1.4 million tonne per annum ethylene plant at its integrated petrochemical complex in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province in China. The plant is equipped with TechnipFMC’s proprietary Ultra Selective Conversion (USC) U-coil ethylene technology for high yield and efficiency.

The first 400,000 barrels/day phase of ZPC’s complex was commissioned in 2018, while Phase 2 (will nearly double processing and production capabilities at the site) is scheduled for completion in Q1 2021.


3. China’s Sinopec-SK Petrochemical JV resumes expansion project in Wuhan

Sinopec-SK Wuhan Petrochemical Corp resumed the expansion project of its petrochemical facilities after the two months of a halt due to coronavirus outbreak. The expansion project started in late 2018 and expected to be completed by Q1 2021.

After the expansion, the firm’s ethylene capacity will be updated to 1.1 million tonnes per year from 800,000 tonnes. The plant produced 14,700 tonnes of materials during the outbreak period which is sufficient to make 147 million face masks.

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